The model of neoclassical town in Greece in the 19th c. as a case of cultural modernity par excellence. The book examines three geographical regions (Central Greece and the Peloponnese, the islands, Thessaly and the ‘New Lands’).
This special edition has a special print on the cover of the book and comes in a specially crafted box.
This book examines the neoclassical town in Greece in the 19th century as a case of cultural modernity par excellence. The key element of this modernity, the ‘Schedion’ (City Plan), introduced a new approach to urban space creation. The book examines its incorporation and spread in three geographical regions (Central Greece and the Peloponnese, the islands, Thessaly and the ‘New Lands’). It covers eight decades, from the founding of modern Greece (1833) to the submission and implementation of several reform proposals for Athens and Thessaloniki (after the destructive fire of 1917).
The impact of these new models was not the same in all regions, hence it was necessary to identify the change not only where it was obvious—in large and important settlements—but also in much smaller ones, which witnessed this change indirectly and from a distance. Settlements that already existed and underwent improvements, as well as 'new settlements' that were built from the start, are also included in this richly illustrated presentation.
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